
Improvement of qualifications

This article is written according to the legal status current as of: 2024-01-12

If you are focused on finding a new job it is good to think first of complementing already possessed skills and qualifications, as well as of gaining new ones.

Training courses, postgraduate studies, financing the costs of examinations and licences, scholarship for continuing education, training loan – all these forms of support offered by the district labour office might be very helpful.

What is the characteristics of each of them?

Training courses – non-school courses aimed at obtaining, supplementing or improving vocational or general skills and qualifications necessary for performing work.

Training loan – a loan granted from the Labour Fund to finance the costs of training taken up by an
unemployed without an assignment to training from the district labour office, a training that enables the person to find new or maintain the present employment or other gainful activity.

Financing the costs of examinations and licences –  financing the cost of exams to obtain certificates, diplomas, attestations of certain vocational qualifications or professional titles, and costs of obtaining licenses necessary to perform the occupation.

Scholarship for continuing education – is to support the unemployed who decide to continue education in order to improve their vocational qualifications.

Post-graduate studies – its aim is to enable the unemployed and job seekers to broaden their knowledge and gain new qualifications.

If you are an unemployed person registered in the labour office you may apply for financing the cost of your further education, the labour office will also grant you a scholarship.

In the selected section you may find details regarding the opportunities of applying for the above mentioned forms of support.

Remember! All the materials posted on the portal www.zielonalinia.gov.pl have been drawn up by the editorial group and are for your information. The editors have put a considerable effort to make the provided information accurate and reliable. However, the information does not constitute a binding interpretation of the law.