
How to reconcile work with maternity

This article is written according to the legal status current as of: 2023-01-20

How to reconcile work with maternity?

A situation, when both partners have a full-time career and a woman gets pregnant, creates some difficulties. One of the parents, usually the mother, must put aside career to look after the baby. If a family can afford a child-minder, the mother may return to work after maternity leave. In less well-off families, the woman has to stay at home to take care of her child herself. After such a break, the return to work is much more difficult.

If you happen to be in a similar situation, in this guide you will find information about your rights connected with:

  • maternity leave
  • child-care leave
  • return to work.

Parents have many privileges guaranteed them by the Labour Code and other provisions of the labour law. These special rights have been granted to parents in order to enable them to take personal care of their children and participate in their upbringing. The protection of the employee’s rights connected with parenthood is enjoyed mostly by women. However, more and more fathers are taking advantage of it.


As a parent you have special rights!


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