
One-off subsidy for undertaking business activities

This article is written according to the legal status current as of: 2024-01-12

What is one-off subsidy for undertaking business activities?

It is a labour market instrument aimed at people who want to receive means for undertaking business activities.

Who can be granted this one-off subsidy?

You may be granted the subsidy if you belong to:

  • the unemployed registered with the district labour office,
  • people who are liable for social insurance for farmers (KRUS),
  • graduates of social integration centres and social integration clubs.

If you are registered with the labour office and subject to social insurance for farmers (KRUS), you can be granted one-off subsidy for undertaking non-farming business activity or for purchasing land, provided that youmeet the following requirements:

  • the work or service contract with you was terminated for reasons related to the work place,
  • you are not eligible for the unemployment benefit,
  • during the 18 months preceding the day of submitting the application for the one-off subsidy you had been working and received remuneration that provided the assessment basis for the social insurance and Labour Fund contributions, and that was equal at least to the minimum remuneration for work during the period of 365,
  • the tax on the farm or a special division does not exceed the farming tax for 5 calculation hectares, or does not exceed the amount of the farming tax for one calculation hectare per one household member without stable non-farming income sources.

During what period of time should you spend the money that you have received?

After receiving the subsidy you will have to start a business on the date indicated in the contract and use means that you received according to their purpose. Since the starting date of a business you will have 2 months for submitting documents that confirm the costs that you bore. If you fail to maintain a business for the period of 12 months or breach any other contract terms, you will be obliged to return the subsidy with the statutory interest within 30 days of receiving a notice from the labour office.

What should you do if you want to be granted the one-off subsidy?

If you want to receive this kind of help, you have to meet all of the following requirements, that is you:

  • you did not perform any employment or other gainful work during the three months prior to submitting the application for a subsidy to start a business,
  • are registered as an unemployed person in a district labour office, or you are a graduate of the Social Integration Centres and Clubs of Social Integration
  • during the period of 12 months preceding the day of submitting the application:
    • did not refuse without a justified reason to accept an assignment for suitable employment or any other paid work, training course, trial period, socially useful works, vocational training for adults, intervention works, public works, as well as participation in the activities within the Activation and Integration Programme;
    • did not fail to complete training course, trial period, socially useful works, vocational training for adults, activities within the Activation and Integration Programme, or any other help offered by the labour office through his own fault,
  • have not received so far any one-off subsidy for undertaking business activities from the Labour Fund or any other public funds,
  • during the period of 12 months preceding the day of submitting the application did not run any business and did not have any entry in CEIDG (a business activity register),
  • during the period of 2 years preceding the day of submitting the application were not sentenced for any offences against public trade,
  • did not submit the same application to the other labour office.

Why is it worth applying for?

You may receive the subsidy in the amount of up to 600% of an average remuneration for work (see the current rates). It may cover the costs of legal advice, consultations or counselling concerned with the business

Legal basis
Act of 20 April 2004 on employment promotion and labour market institutions (Article 46)

Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 23 April 2012 on refunding the costs of providing equipment for a work-stand and granting one-off subsidy for undertaking business activities from the Labour Fund.


Development: Editorial team of Zielona Linia

Remember! All the materials posted on the portal www.zielonalinia.gov.pl have been drawn up by the editorial group and are for your information. The editors have put a considerable effort to make the provided information accurate and reliable. However, the information does not constitute a binding interpretation of the law.