
Occupational therapy workshop

Occupational therapy workshop

The aim of the therapy workshop is the social and vocational rehabilitation of the disabled, that helps in self-development, in coping with everyday tasks and independent living in society, increases physical skills, assertiveness. Disabled people attend both individual and group therapy workshop.

You may attend such therapy workshop if you have a medical certificate indicating the level of disability or are unable to work and your medical certificate indicates the need of attending such a therapy workshop.
If you want to attend the therapy workshop, you have to apply to an entity conducting the workshop appointed by the Regional Family Support Centre.

The therapy workshop is realized on the basis of the program of rehabilitation created for each participant individually. The Program Board evaluates the progress of each participant of the workshop at least once every three years. The assessment is the basis for further actions regarding a disabled person, which may be as follows:

  • undertaking employment,
  • sending someone to a support centre due to the lack of progress in rehabilitation and poor prognosis regarding the progress in the future,
  • extending participation in therapy because of: the positive outcomes regarding progress in rehabilitation, periodic inability to take up employment or periodic lack of referral to the support centre.


Attending to occupation therapy workshop gives you a chance to return to the labour market.


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