
Occupational activation centre

This article is written according to the legal status current as of: 2024-01-12

What is it?


Occupational Activation Centre is a specialized organizational unit of a district labour office that deals with labour market services and instruments.

What does it deal with?

Occupational Activation Centre deals with:

  • labour market services
    • work exchange,
    • vocational counselling,
    • organization of training courses;
  • supporting fundamental labour market services with the help of such instruments as:
    • financing the costs of travel to the employer who submits a job offer or to the workplace, the place of the trial period, vocational training at the workplace, training or vocational counselling classes outside the place of residence, where a person was sent by the district labour office;
    • financing the costs of accommodation in the workplace paid by a person who was sent by the district labour office to undertake employment or other paid work, work for the trial period, carry out vocational training at the work place or complete training, all outside the place of permanent residence of the person;
    • co-financing of the furnishing a work place, of engaging in a business activity, of the costs of legal assistance, consultations and counselling;
    • reimbursing the costs borne on social insurance premiums related to the employment of un unemployed person sent by the labour office;
    • financing the unemployment prevention allowances.

Legal basis
Act of 20 April 2004 on employment promotion and labour market institutions (Article 9 b, Articel 35 par. 1, Article 44)

Development: Editorial team of Zielona Linia

Remember! All the materials posted on the portal www.zielonalinia.gov.pl have been drawn up by the editorial group and are for your information. The editors have put a considerable effort to make the provided information accurate and reliable. However, the information does not constitute a binding interpretation of the law.