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How to properly select the form of the business activity? - Artykul
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How to properly select the form of the business activity?
This article is written according to the legal status current as of: 2024-01-11
How to properly select the form of the business activity?
There are more and more women starting their own companies. The position threatened by the crisis, reluctance to young mothers, the problem of combining work and family life, lack of promotion opportunities... – there are plenty of these kind of problems that accelerate the decision to start one’s own business. There is also another side to the coin: women want to pursue their passions, they want to do what they like, they want to use their potential, that while working on other positions is often not noticed and not appreciated.
However it is still not a large number of women, the potential of Polish women is not fully used in this field. To increase the participation of women enterprises in the total number of companies operating in Poland there are many projects that aim at helping women setting up their own business, and entering into the ins and outs of business management.
If you are interested in starting your own business:
Remind yourself what you can do best (service, product) and consider whether it would be possible to carry out such activities within your own company;
Look around you. There may be a niche around you that you could fill, by for example performing some service;
Analyze the market (see for example whether there is a demand for your services / products);
Examine and analyze your competition
Look for sources of financing and professional support.
Remember! All the materials posted on the portal have been drawn up by the editorial group and are for your information. The editors have put a considerable effort to make the provided information accurate and reliable. However, the information does not constitute a binding interpretation of the law.