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First steps - Artykul
zadawane pytania. Klient wpisując swoje pytanie, otrzyma odpowiedź.
Nie musin przeszukiwać długiej listy z dotychczas zadawanymi
This article is written according to the legal status current as of: 2024-01-11
first steps
Persons with disabilities, who have difficulties with finding a job, but at the same time have an idea for their own business, may take advantage of additional funding. It should be noted, that a person with disabilities may benefit from all the available sources of financing the economic activity, and additionally from the funds dedicated only to the group of people with disabilities.
In our guide book you will find information regarding the sources of financing, you may take advantage of, when starting your own business.
These are:
one-off subsidies for undertaking business activities from the Labour Fund
similar subsidies co-financed by the European Union
funds from the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled
Even if you do not have money for your business activity, you may still establish it by taking advantage of outer sources!
Remember! All the materials posted on the portal have been drawn up by the editorial group and are for your information. The editors have put a considerable effort to make the provided information accurate and reliable. However, the information does not constitute a binding interpretation of the law.